
Photo Tours

Let us take you to Kabini. Arguably South India’s best wildlife destination.


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As you explore Nagarhole National Park, the lush green expanses that unfold like a vibrant painting, showcasing nature's magnificence. The stunning landscapes not only provide a picturesque backdrop but also invite you to immerse yourself in the rich diversity of wildlife that thrives here.Wandering through the park, the serene surroundings along the Kabini River add another layer of charm.

The gentle flow of the river creates a soothing melody that complements the natural beauty, elevating your senses.Imagine yourself surrounded by this symphony of nature, where every rustle of leaves and ripple in the water tells a story of the wild.For wildlife enthusiasts, every moment brings a new discovery, with the park revealing its hidden treasures.

Nature lovers will find solace in the harmonious balance between flora and fauna, transforming the park into a sanctuary for diverse species nestled within the embrace of the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve.

How is it?

Kabini is a land of plenty but not predictable, with the exciting undercurrent of the unknown and imponderable woven innately into its enigmatic fabric.But in recent times, it has become the destination for those seeking the smallest of India’s big cats, because here, the ghost of the canopy sheds its customary diffidence to emerge from the shadows.

When seen hanging off a tree as does an enticing fruit, the Kabini leopard adds a dash of orange panache to a dominance of green environs. There is consensus that spots seldom come in a more desirable form than on an indolent leopard in its high-rise quarters regarding the affairs below with contempt. And on occasion, when in a more ‘down-to-earth’ mood, the sight of it sitting by the track or crossing your path like a poem on legs can stick to your memory cells inseparably.

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Rubbing shoulders with Nagarahole’s most famous penthouse-tenant is a multitude of wildlife, including a thriving population of the endangered Asiatic wild dog or dhole, whose team effort at nailing even the largest of prey is a study in planning and coordinated execution. The Kabini area is also a part of the largest refuge of the threatened Asiatic elephant and is still home to magnificent tuskers that fill your frame with ease.

On a boat ride, huge mugger crocodiles can be often seen making warmth while the sun shines, magnificent ospreys – fishing raptors that look quite splendid – perch on open tree stumps as beacons for the yearning photographer, river otters put in an appearance on occasion on their fishing expeditions, ashy wood-swallows, grey herons and large egrets pose enticingly in picturesque light; and droves of gaur, spotted deer and wild boar inhabit the shores, while a stroke of serendipity can even yield the coveted sight of a tiger.

The birds of the forest will complete the riveting act, with white-bellied woodpeckers, changeable hawk– and crested serpent-eagles, nuthatches, rollers, kingfishers and dozens of other species bringing up the numbers, while other animals, like the stripe-necked mongoose and the Bengal monitor lizard, stand up and get counted too.

So, it’s just as well that you have a camera in hand, for where the verbal faculty may find it nearly impossible to describe the spectacle, the Toehold team will venture to ensure that the medium of visual expression may just succeed in portraying it in some slight part.